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Make a PHP Zebra Striping a Table.

Table row in a loop:

How to Setup Watchman on Ubuntu 16.04.

```js$ cd ~$ git clone$ cd watchman/$ git checkout v4.7.0$ sudo apt-get install -y...

How to start AVD emulator without device frame.

The following was implemented on a default configuration.

Error: The user limit on the total number of inotify watches was reached.

Error: The user limit on the total number of inotify watches was reachedOnly for Ubuntu users

How to Rename A React Native App.

How to Rename A React Native App

Github Pages Website Push.

Push itAdd, commit, and push your changes:

CSS Media Queries for Desktop, Tablet, Mobile.

/* ##Device = Desktops ##Screen = 1281px to higher resolution desktops*/@media (min-width: 1281px) { //CSS }/* ##D...

How to copy a text to clipboard in jquary.

You need to add a jquary to your project to make it work!For this example im using a jquary version 3.3.1You can go and g...

Easy way to build admin login into a Laravel 5.

Authorization can be tricky. There are thousands of posts about how to perform authentication, but actually verifying who...
